The opposition Citizens’ Alliance has asked President Adama Barrow to implement the recommendations of the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission.

The party’s call comes as the Commission ended its public hearings – awaiting to submit its reports to the president later this year.

“As we look forward to the final report, CA strongly urges President Adama Barrow and his government to ensure that the TRRC recommendations are fully implemented without prejudice. 

“Gambians are all proud of this historic national achievement and will stand to see this process go through to its fullest,” the party said in a letter directed to President Adama Barrow.

Meanwhile, the party also commended the Commission’s officials for a “great job” adding “in particular, we thank all the witnesses that gave testimonies and the victims for their patience and trust in the process.”

“It fulfilled its statutory mandate to probe into the human rights violations committed by Former President Yaya Jammeh. 370 witnesses appeared before the truth-seeking commission to give public testimonies of harrowing experiences,” the party’s leader Dr Ismaila Ceesay said in the statement.

Citizens’ Alliance thanks the TRRC and Urges President Barrow to Fully Implement the Recommendations of the Commission’s Report, it added.

Reporting by Adama Makasuba

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