Drama unfolded at the TRRC on Tuesday after a witness changed his statement on former president Jammeh’s HIV/AIDS treatment following a perjury warning.
Ansumana Jammeh, a nephew to the exile Gambian leader, is believed to have worked with his uncle for ten years in the alternative treatment.
“Let me give final warning, it is offence to lie under oath and it is offence to give false testimony before the commission,” lead counsel Essa Faal warned.
Mr Jammeh at first insisted: “What I saw is what I said.”
But when pushed further by Mr Faal: “Who is that guy in white gown?” after a video was played for him about his claim.
Jammeh quickly admitted: “Yahya Jammeh, I am seeing it for the first time.”
Perjury is an offence under the TRRC rules and regulations as well as a criminal offence under the laws of The Gambia, which all witnesses are warned against committing the offence.
Reporting by Adama Makasuba
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