The Ministry of Health is targeting 382,908 children aged 0-59 months old in its second round of Polio Immunisation campaign across the country scheduled for March 19-22.
“Vaccination teams and social mobilisers will be moving from house-to-house, Early Childhood Development Centres, Nursery Schools, Market, Ferry crossing points, Health Centres and in strategic locations to vaccinate all eligible children.
“Vaccinating children with Oral Polio Vaccine is the only proven strategy to break the chain of transmission of the virus among the population. The vaccine in use is safe and effective as proven by WHO and partners,” Modou Njai, Director Health Promotion and Education Ministry of Health said.
According to him, all children under the age of five years must be vaccinated for the country to maintain the polio free status.
“The Ministry of Health would like to appeal to all families and caregivers, community leaders and religious leaders to ensure eligible children are vaccinated in their houses, communities and any other public places,” he added.
The countrywide campaign is supported by World Health Organization, UNICEF, CDC and Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Ministry of Health appealed to all parents and caregivers to have their children vaccinated in the upcoming round of polio vaccination.
Reporting by Adama Makasuba
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