My misery came to an end, as soon as I heard the sound of an ambulance screeching swiftly. Melancholy filled the emptiness left deep inside of me.
All memories of sad moments of the Ebola epidemic that killed almost 4,000 people in Sierra Leone, rapidly took over my whole being. I became so numb that I could hardly feel my hands. Tears ran like a never-ending river as I recalled how I used to stare from the kitchen window while health volunteers in PPE took away the sick and they never returned and how history is repeating itself once again.
It was about four to five years ago, but yet it feels like yesterday. I couldn’t count the number of lives lost; poverty struck homes like never before, there weren’t enough beds for the sick or medical attention for the sick and dying.
The dead were buried with no respect whatsoever, children deprived of academic opportunities. One would go mad just watching the news, the tension was immeasurable, food became treasures due to scarcity, some who could place their hands on it, unfortunately, we’re unable to afford it.
Initially, I was happy because I was about to take my National Primary Secondary Exam but, then it became dreadful and insanely unbearable. Every night before bed, I would pray that it was just a nightmare that I would wake up from it the next day.
Nothing worked, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I started praying and fasting consistently at every given opportunity.
Sierra Leone a country filled with life and hope lost its dreams during the invasion of the Ebola Pandemic. Today, I find myself in the United Kingdom, the 12th Most technologically advanced country in the world, which has found itself a victim of the recent coronavirus pandemic.
These are viruses that have killed humans within the twinkle of an eye with no known vaccine to date to stop the virus from spreading worldwide.
Fortunately, the UK can enter Lockdown for months without half of its population dying of hunger, it would be the direct opposite situation for other countries such as Sierra Leone (the 9th poorest country in the world).
Both countries and many others have lost many of their citizens be they doctors, nurses, mothers, fathers, and children.
Four years ago it was Ebola, today it coronavirus, one wonders what tomorrow might bring along.
I was only brought back to reality when I heard people clapping and cheering the public health workers and other essential workers.
I’m alive today not because of the strength of my immune system but by the grace of God.
By Benjaminah Palmer

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