It was quite disturbing to watch the footage of Mr. Nyang Njie, recording himself mistreating a minor.
All decent people must seriously reprimand Nyang Njie for such a shameful display of demagoguery and lack of political maturity in the way he bullied the 16 year old minor he said he employed as his gardener; for the crime of wearing a t-shirt bearing an NPP party logo to his residence.
He claimed that the 16 year old “does not know the dynamics of what is going on. All he wanted was a t-shirt.” Really? What an insult? Is there a possibility that the boy supports NPP and was exercising his constitutional guaranteed freedom of association?

Mr. Njie’s attempt to dismiss the boy as a mere t-shirt hunter is ill-informed, pretentious and smacks of arrogance and self importance on his part because he did not provide any proof of that and I have not seen any evidence that the boy did actually say such a thing himself.
The manner Nyang mistreated this boy exposed his own intolerance to divergent views. Even whereas Nyang is right in his assumption that this boy went all the way to the stadium just for the single reason of obtaining a t-shirt, why assault and humiliated him by stripping the shirt off of him, cleaned the septic drainage cover with it and dumped it inside the septic tank, records it, shares it on social media, and he is a minor.
How comes you did not know that the boy needs clothes that he needed to be provided a bag of clothes until when he brought in NPP party t-shirt to work? Nyang is clearly pompous and subscribed to the ideas of elitism.
I think Nyang really needs to calm down because I am getting tired of his irrational frequent angry outbursts already.
To treat a minor in the way Nyang did is so callous in many aspects and in my layman view, I even think he exposes himself to some legal liabilities.
What actually Nyang did in the process of ‘helping the boy’ was exposed his bad temperament, and irrationality as well as teach the boy that intolerance and violence are acceptable conduct.
We all know that he will not have the audacity to treat someone who is older or his equal in the same manner. We all know too well that Nyang will not treat his son or brother in such a cruel matter.
This parents of this boy should sue Nyang for the damages in the way he abused his rights and humiliated him.
By Lamin Jatta
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