Congratulations to President-Elect Joseph R Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris for being elected 46th and 49th President and Vice President respectively. As we appreciate their resilience and drive, we would like to wish them the very best as they take up the mammoth task of healing a nation and providing leadership to the rest of the developed world. We wish them God’s blessings and abundant wisdom… Congratulations.
For someone who lectures the arts of Communication, I will say Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is now “Orator-in- chief “who delivers a fireside chat to millions of Americans and the world. Senator Kamala Harris exemplified all the essential components of effective Communication in Public Speaking in audience engagement in her speech containing, ethos, pathos, and logos in her victory speech, introducing President-elect Joseph Biden.
Aristotle, Socrates, Onassis would have given her an “A grade, ” Marcus Fabius Quintilianus would have called her “a good and exquisite woman.” Abraham Lincoln would second Quintilian and call her an “honest woman who is full of empathy,”…. a woman with a good heart, without pretension. Those who spent all years hating on her are consumed by jealousy. Her speech is master class and a grand storyteller.
Watching Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and President-elect Joseph Biden gave their victory speeches Saturday night at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware. She introduced President-elect Joseph Biden, where the horns from hundreds of cars and cheers could be heard between his words Kamala Harris, wearing all white in a nod to the suffragist movement.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris gave their victory speeches amid a sea of honking car horns and cheering supporters waving American flags in an outdoor event in Wilmington, Delaware. The scene was different from massive rally-like victory celebrations of past presidents, such as President Barack Obama’s massive Chicago speech in 2008.
Vice President-elect Kamal Harris’s victory speech was powerful, moving, and epic. Those words do little to describe it. It is one of a kind and likely the best speech ever by a Vice President.
It completely pulverized Outgoing President Donald Trump and was the most eloquent, most potent rallying call for America repudiating Donald Trump as a way to safeguard the nation’s legacy. I came out with something important: don’t mess with women. Don’t.
In my experience in politics, I have seen what women can do when pushed to the wall. If you don’t respect anyone of them, and it is clear to all how disrespectful or perverted you are, they all come together and orchestrate your downfall.
The first woman vice president, Harris said she would not be the last. “Every little girl that’s watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities,” she said. I just finished watching vice President-elect Senator Kamala Harris’s speech. Women politicians are smart and great organisers – especially at the grass-root levels. When given a podium and a conviction, they will move masses. Ever wondered why they make the best attorneys? Because they are very expressive and powerful and emotional at the same time!
Any aspiring politician out there, watch out, and be careful how you relate with the fair gender- they determine your victory or defeat. Literally!
By Alagi Yorro Jallow
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