The government has been asked to regulate the country’s exorbitant rental sector as unscrupulous landlords and agents take advantage of renters particularly those on low income.
Ebrima Nyang, administrative secretary of Gambia Democratic Congress, urged the government to look into the exorbitant rental cost in the country.
Nyang called on the authorities to take actions against unscrupulous landlords and housing agents who overcharged renters.
“Despite owning your home, you have no right to maltreat people renting at your home by overcharging them in this time of hardship.
“The government must urgently look into the rent issue and make sure the landlords don’t take advantage of the renters,” he told Gambiana exclusively.
“If you’re poorly paid you will not have enough to cover your rent and what the landlords are doing by raising rent is unacceptable and it should be look at.”
Rent is not regulated in The Gambia and this is creating a situation where landlords and their agents can overcharge poor family heads renting in their homes.
Serrekunda West national assembly member, Madi Ceesay, is seeking to table a private member bill on the exorbitant cost of rental in a bid to come up with a law to regulate the rental sector.
“I am urging the national assembly members to join Madi Ceesay to enact this law because most of these MPs come from a poor constituency.
“We need official agents and a stop to these self-proclaimed agents who are behind this high cost of living. We have seen some houses are leaking but the landlords don’t care,” Nyang added.
Reporting by Adama Makasuba
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