The self-declared leader of the People’s Progressive Party, Fatoumatta Touma Njai, has commenced a nationwide tour to meet with party supporters despite losing the leadership election.
Fatoumatta Touma Njai started her tour in Foni where she said the party’s supporters have “recognised” her as “the SG and Party leader of the PPP pending free and fair elections.
Mrs Njai took the unprecedented step after rejecting the party’s leadership election last week in Brikamaba where she was soundly defeated by Kebba Jallow.
She walked out of the congress with her delegates complaining of electoral fraud after the election results were announced.
The National Assembly member for Banjul South told her supporters that “in the coming weeks we shall be received by all other Regional Chairpersons of the PPP as their choice of Party Leader.
“Gambia loves the PPP it was the leadership that was to be desired.
“My leadership shall be for the people. Leadership to empower women and youth. An inclusive leadership in which transparency and accountability would be of priority.”
Reporting by Adama Makasuba
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