The Government proposed salary increment for public sector workers will help minimise corruption in the country, a Gambian diplomat in the U.K. has said. 

Suntou Touray, a Gambian Consul in the UK, said the proposal showed that the Government wants to fight corruption adding that “countries which are able to successfully minimise corruption are not merely strict, they pay very good salaries”.

Mr Tourat said the provision of incentives for public servants is the best strategy against corruption. 

“That is the best way to close down all windows of corruption. We call on all public servants to redouble their efforts and dedicate time and energy to making the Gambia a country of envy in our sub-region,” Mr Touray told the Standard. 

“This government deserves to be commended in terms of the significant improvement they are able to make in terms of creating good wages for public servants. Even if there is a political element in what they do, the benefits outweigh the political elements.

“People should stop associating every significant progress or policy announcement government made to politics.”

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