The Food Safety and Quality Authority (FSQA) has come under attack over bad foods sold at markets and street corners up and down the country.

The public blamed FSQA for allowing such bad foods to be sold for consumption.

Modou Lamin Ndow told Gambiana “Food Safety has neglected their responsibility as they are not taking account of some of the foods that are consumed by the people, how they are prepared and the places that they are prepared.

“By right Food Safety should take a weekly patrol across the country to see how people consume the types of food they eat.”

“Health is wealth so I believe there should be a close look at our food sectors especially the street vendors and some of these local restaurants,” he added.

According to him, he has an awful experience buying street food. He said: “Whenever I eat street food, I have a running stomach which affects my health.

“Sometimes you see some of these local restaurants cooking in the middle of the market, close to waste dumping sites, gutters etc which is not healthy,” he said.

Aminata Dahaba, also said: “my concern is the school children because some of the school vendors sell food for two days or sometimes cook it at night without frizzing it.”

She said that school authorities should be vigilant, adding they have a role to play regarding the foods that are sold within their school premises because children are vulnerable. 

“I look forward to seeing Food Safety officials going around the markets, communities, schools, local restaurants, local bakeries, and many more food places but I cannot even recall when was the last time I saw them,” she said.

Reporting by Adama Makasuba 

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