Political prostitution is shifting off or offering political allegiance, or service to another party, motivated not by ideology, policies or principles, but purely for financial and personal gains. These gains include status-seeking and political resume: perks and hype.  

The move is mostly to the party in power, or one expected to be soon. It is usually done in the guise of patriotism, for a greater good, while, in reality, it is nothing but opportunism. Self-serving.

Commercial sex workers, the prototypical prostitutes, because are always clear about it being about money, are more honourable than these politicians. Conscience, integrity, honour, principle, etc. mean nothing to them when it comes to selfish interest.

Political ideology-wise, some argue that in The Gambia, there is no difference between political parties despite the different ideologies they claim to subscribe to. These are just on paper, and therefore cosmetic. 

These ideologies include: socialism by The People’s Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS); social liberalism, constitutionalism, and social democracy by the United Democratic Party (UDP); social conservatism, moderate Islamism, anti-colonialism, etc. by the Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction (APRC); social democracy by the Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC); social conservatism by the ruling National People’s Party (NPP), etc. 

Sadly, for The Gambia, most of the political prostitutes tend to be the young, on whom people would have put their hopes for changing the politics for the better. These joni joni politicians of the young have nothing on the veterans. 

The veterans have integrity and conscience, and their words mean something to them. They have principles by which they stand and safeguard. Ideologues, some may call them. Here, I am talking about the likes of Seedia Jattas and Halifa Sallahs of PDOIS; the Ousainou Darboes, Femi Peters, Lamin Ndambu Dibbas, etc. of UDP, some of whom despite the hell they were put through, stayed the course to the very end. 

Come to think of it, in December 2017, the National Assembly, in a way, legalised political prostitution at the legislature by repealing section 91(1)(d) of the Constitution, which was about members losing their seats when they cease to be members of political party of which they were at the time of their elections.  

National Assembly of Gambia

This section was included by ex-president Yahya Jammeh in bad faith; however, it was a safeguard against political prostitution. 

Here—in no special order—are the principal political prostitutes of the country, and political attributes of some other politicians.

Political prostitute (PP)-1

PP-1, the so-called political scientist—Africanist is what he is— has no integrity and shouldn’t be trusted as a leader. Principles do not mean much to him. Here is a guy who described the Lion Killer Mansa as being uninformed, out of touch and lacking the IQ to lead a country. 

He came onto the political scene as the leader of the Alliance Party promising a departure from politics as we know it; and that there will be principles. But then he went into a deal, behind his party’s back, with the Lion Killer Mansa. 

When he was called out on it; he said that the deal was out of necessity as the Alliance Party at the time faced an existential threat from other parties. Well, he sure was right about the Alliance Party facing an existential threat: that threat was himself!! 

The Lion Killer Mansa may, indeed, not be highly educated, but he sure is good for PP-1 and his ilk of joni joni politicians. The perks and hype politicians.  He makes them eat their own words like candy and come down with amnesia like some head trauma victim. 

So, by PP-1 mortgaging the Alliance Party to the Lion Killer Mansa, Alliance Party died a neonatal death. And buried at the cemetery of the political lightweights, just like the Moral Party, the Progressive Party, the Democracy and Progress Party, the Action Party and the Convention Party. 

And by being appointed as the chief propagandist for the Mansa—which in no way will lead to the resurrection of the Alliance Party—he is spinning at speed and gravity that even squealer of animal farm has nothing on him. So much transformation for a man from condescending on the Lion Killer to grioting for him.

Political prostitute (PP)-2

PP-2 is the true representation of political buffoonery. Loudmouth politician!  He started in the dictator’s Party. The Dictator appointed him head of government workers. But because of his arrogance, pomposity and megalomania, he fell out with the Dictator and was sent to jail.

While in the dictator’s Party, he spewed the most vitriol of invectives against the Democratic Party. When the Dictator was kicked out, PP-2 aligned himself with the Lion Killer Mansa’s regime. 

However, once he was recommended not to be able to ever work again in government, he ditched the Mansa’s regime and joined the Democratic Party. While in that party, he leveled all kinds of criticism against the Lion Killer Mansa and his regime and extolled the Democratic Party and its Ayatollah as if impeccable. 

But the Lion Killer Mansa knowing him and his kind (the perks and hype politicians) are all about money and position, so he just has to promise them that, and he would have them eat their words from his hand. 

So, when PP-2 was promised the perks and hype, he had ‘an awakening’. And so, he ditched the Democratic Party and joined the Mansa’s party at ending of last year. 

In the first quarter of this year, he was made a special counsellor in the Mansa’s council. PP-2 is politically radioactive, divisive, and controversial and tends to end up being a political liability than an asset. Any party he leaves, becomes better for it.

Political prostitute (PP)-3

PP-3 is everything wrong with the country’s politics. He was a member of the dictator’s Party. During the political stalemate, ten days before the end of the dictator’s term, this squealer of a character was appointed, as a useful idiot, the mouthpiece of the dictator. 

The first statement he visited on the nation on the brink of bloodshed was that the Dictator wouldn’t step down and there would be no swearing in, for that would be criminal and treasonous. 

Left to him, the country would have burnt down but the Lion Killer would not have become the Mansa. In fact, he left with the Dictator, only to come back and claimed that the Lion Killer Mansa, in fact, is of his kinsmen. 

How convenient and opportunistic!! So, he being made the Deputy Overseer of the National Political Bantaba is but a stain on the conscience of that Bantaba; and an insult, like in your face, to all those who sacrificed in one way or the other to make the Lion Killer the mansa. 

Political prostitute (PP)-4

PP-4, as member of the National Political Bantaba, was the lead proponent for tabling the resolution to extend the dictator’s rule for 3 months during the political gridlock just two days before the end of the dictator’s term; without regard to the potential bloodshed that could lead to.  

According to the Lion Killer Mansa, PP-4 started instigating him from the get-go to abandon his father’s party and form his own. Doing which, PP-4 would have the party of Dictator support the Lion Killer Mansa. 

Unable to deliver the dictator’s party on a silver platter, he engineered the split of the party, and mortgaged his half to the Mansa. Like PP-3, PP-4 is a bane of our homeland’s politics. Being made the Overseer of the National Political Bantaba is also, but a stain on the conscience of that bantaba. 

Political prostitute (PP)-5

The so-called doctor— a nurse is what he actually is—was the presider of the Congress Party. He ditched the party and joined the party of the Mansa before being kicked out because of his toxic and divisive nature.  

A nurse who called more gas to be pumped on protesters calling on the Lion Killer Mansa to honour his words. A manifestation of an oxymoron of characters. 

A health care provider devoid of humanity.  He joined the party of the Mansa some four years ago. He has no political capital and strives on division and discrimination as he has been manifesting in the party. 

Some two years ago, he was made the political head of farming in the country. An irony of political patronage—a health care provider heading farming. During his party’s last convention, the Mansa imposed him on the party, to be the second-in-charge, knowing there was no way he would have won an election against his opponent for that position. 

Political prostitute (PP)-6

The one from across the river from Banjul. He started at the Reconciliation Party where he was the chief campaign manager until when he joined the party of the Dictator. 

He was rewarded with appointment as a senior staff at the youth ministry, where he served until being sacked, then arrested and charged with giving false information to public official some six years down the line. 

That case ended with an acquittal for him two years later. Three years after his acquittal, he joined the Congress Party and elected its new head of campaign and public relation. 

Two years thereafter, he ditched the Congress Party and joined the Mansa’s party.  Two years after joining the party, he was made head of administration, a position he held until last year when he was made a special counselor in the council of the Lion Killer Mansa. 

Five months ago, PP-6 was relieved of his appointment and sent to the dumping ground for the fallen-out-of-political-favour.

Political prostitute (PP)-7

One year after the coming of the Grand Coalition to power, PP-7 came out claiming to be a member of the Democratic Party, and that he would want to vie for the party’s candidacy in the upcoming mayoral election of that year. 

Everyone knew at the time the Democratic Party’s candidate would, definitely, win the seat. Some one-and-half month later, sensing he wouldn’t be elected by the party, he ‘left’ and contested without party affiliation, and lost massively.  

Being promised and assured to be made the leader of the Progressive Party, seven months after this loss, he came out and said he had joined the Progressive Party. 

The very next month, he contested for the leadership of the Party.  The election was rigged in his favour; an action which inadvertently condemned the once powerful party to political irrelevancy.  

PP-7, with no political capital or clout, being made the leader of the party foreshadowed the demise of the party, making him a poison chalice to the party. 

Some four years ago, on shifting allegiance to the Mansa, he was appointed the nation’s chief envoy to a West African country. 

Political prostitute (PP)-8

PP-8 was a member of the dictator’s party and member of the National Political Bantaba for 19 years.  After the fall of the dictator, he ditched his party and moved to the Democratic Party. 

His reason was it is only the government that can bring development and not opposition, and because the Democratic Party and others were in control, therefore, he decided to join them to develop the homeland. 

Some months before the last mansa election, he ditched the Democratic Party and moved to Mansa’s party, giving, almost, the same reason for moving previously. He is now the second second-in-charge of the party of the Lion Killer Mansa.  

Political prostitute (PP)-9

This former soldier, turned diplomat, after bending over backwards for the Dictator and begged for forgiveness, claiming that all his past criticism of the dictator’s regime for nearly two decades, including a book he wrote, were lies he concocted to obtain political asylum. 

He was rewarded with an appointment at the Global Political Bantaba in the city that never sleeps.  Two years later, when activists and opposition members convened at a court premises in the capital, as the Ayatollah of the Democratic Party appeared for court ruling; PP-9, to appease the Dictator, came out and said if he were in charge, he would have f**king open fire on them, calling them hooligans and a group of sponsored thugs. 

This led to an outcry and calls for his resignation and sacking from his position at the Global Political Bantaba. Being the coward he has ever been, he doubled down on that. 

After the election, he was the only envoy to openly stand with Dictator after his so-called rejection of that year’s mansa election result. Once the Dictator left, PP-9 wrote a long pathetic piece, professing his unconditional support and loyalty to the Lion Killer Mansa so he wouldn’t be sacked from his position at the Global Political Bantaba. 

And just recently, PP-9 authored another book and claimed it presents the true story and circumstances leading to events of toppling of the father of the homeland. Who in their right mind would believe anything this self-disgraced, self-humiliated author writes?

Political football

A lawyer turned politician, is the founder and the CEO of the Moral Party.  As understood, he and the Lion Killer Mansa have been buddies from childhood. 

He was one of the first to be appointed to the top most government position of the Grand Coalition. He became the first to be given the boot, after just nine months, unceremoniously without any reason being given. 

It was then rumoured that he was axed as condition for the Lion Killer Mansa to gain the support of people of the dictator’s region—which never materialised, nonetheless.   

A little over a year after his axing, the lawyer politician was appointed a special counselor in the council of the Mansa. On accepting this position, without being given the reason for his booting in the first place, his supporters felt he was being disrespected and being played like a political football.  

And that, he should have been honourable enough to reject the position. Thus, acceptance of this position turned out to be his political undoing, his political Achilles tendon:  as the political capital he had had with his supporters went out the window. 

So, by the time he resigned some nine months, after feeling no longer useful in that role again, the Moral Party was as good as death, and he had descended the hole of political irrelevancy. 

Political nomad and wanderer

A retired general, served as the last internal security chief under the Dictator. He was once accused of involving in an attempted usurpation of power and jailed before he was pardoned, reinstated, and then appointed the internal security chief of the nation ten years later. 

At some point, he served as the interim leader of the dictator’s party. However, he quit that party and joined the Democratic Party. Six months before the last election for the mansa, he quit the Democratic Party and joined the party of the Mansa. A political ping pong he indeed turned out to be.

Political pimp

Without doubt, the good the Lion Killer Mansa sees in PP-3 and PP-4 (plus other political prostitutes) is the bad in them. 

The Lion Killer Mansa recognises and is banking on their lack of conscience, integrity, and soul, to protect his personal interest, especially in the National Political Bantaba, like they did for the Dictator, even if that would plunge the homeland into crisis—burn the homeland. 

Their appeal to the Mansa is the political prostitute, arsonist and ISIS in them. This, however, doesn’t make the Lion Killer Mansa any better than them. 

Appealing to the worst of people for one’s personal interest makes them a better person than you, no matter how terrible those people are. A pimp can’t be than better the person they prostitute. 

Look at how he sacrificed the Political Football, his childhood buddy, on the altar of political expediency. How he reneged on the fundamental agreement of the Grand Coalition and engineered the rejection of the National Guideline to usher in the third new nation four years ago—as these would not serve his personal interest even though they would have put the homeland on a better footing for democracy.

By Maa Touray

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