Seedy Muctarr Touray, Inspector General of Police, has vowed a tougher clampdown on criminals in the country, as the force commissioned nine patrolling vehicles. 

Speaking at the commissioning ceremony, he warned: “to the criminals, we will be coming to every nook and cranny of this country to fish you out and we wouldn’t rest until we get rid of you.”

However, he described the commissioning of the vehicles as “timely”, adding that “it will go a long way in supporting men and women of the force to effectively do their national duties in keeping law and order in the country”. 

He added: “with these four-wheel vehicles officers can easily access remote parts of the Gambia to policing the communities and keep criminals at bay. The vehicles will be distributed to all the seven administrative regions of the country to ensure equitable access to policing services.”

IGP Touray also thanked his men and women for their sacrifice to keep life and properties in the country safe from criminals, while also praising president Adama Barrow and his government for their support.

Reporting by Adama Makasuba

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