In the vibrant arena of Gambia’s secondary school athletics, two promising athletes are making waves: Abdoulie Saidy from Saamasang and Ebrima Jarju representing Brikama Senior Secondary School. 

Despite the camaraderie forged through years of friendship, they find themselves in a thrilling rivalry as they compete in the Gambia Secondary Schools Annual Athletics Meeting Qualifiers for Region 2 West.

Both Abdoulie and Ebrima have been molded by the expertise of their mentor, Sulayman Mambureh, affectionately known as “Defco.” With a decorated history as a middle-distance runner during his school days, Defco has instilled in them a passion for excellence and a fierce competitive spirit.

In a captivating showdown yesterday, Abdoulie Saidy showcased his remarkable talent by outpacing Ebrima Jarju in the 1500m open boys race, finishing with a noteworthy margin. 

However, the excitement doesn’t end there. Today, the stage is set for another exhilarating clash as these two athletes prepare to go head-to-head in the 5000m open final, each looking to claim victory and further etch their names in the annals of Gambia’s athletic lore.

By Ebrima KB Sonko 

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