Open Society Platform of The Gambia says corruption is endemic in The Gambia days after the International Transparency Index released its annual corruption report.
Senior official of Open Society Platform of The Gambia Abdoulie Jadama expressed disappointment about the rampant corruption saying the country is failing its future.
“Corruption is all around us. It has sadly become endemic. It’s now part of us and it has taken root in the social fabric of our society,” he said.
Mr Jadama said the recent Transparency International annual corruption Index report showed that the country is doing little to fight corruption.
“We have moved from 96 points from 2019 and 2020 we were at 20 points; this means that we’ve failed to tackle corruption and nothing has happened.
“That’s too sad and too bad and we have nothing to explain to our children because it is better to invest that money somewhere rather than to invest around people who are aware of corruption.”
According to him, the rampant corruption in the country is worsening due to lack of stringent laws against people practicing corruption, adding that an anti-corruption bill has been languishing at the National Assembly for two years now.
“The bill cannot be enacted because of the political class. It’s the same political class and the civil servants that are conniving to rob the Gambian people.
“For instance, 148 million dalasis have been missing at the Ministry of Health. It’s not me but the auditor general who reported it, Gamperolium 30 million dollars.”
Mr Jadama said the government should take decisive actions in fighting corruption, adding tha corruption is a national threat to the security of the country.
Reporting by Adama Makasuba
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