Around the world, even in the most conservative societies, women now have more influence over the decisions that affect their lives.
In the Gambia the issue of women’s decision-making power, their ability to influence political and public policy decisions, distribution of public authority, rights and resources have not impacted the lives of working Gambian women.
The problem with appointing two women Vice Presidents, their approaches is that they don’t address the often-fragile process of addressing the needs and aspirations of women’s labour rights but, to be seen by others as another way of empowering women in decision making in government.
The maternity leave and medical benefits for Gambian women under President Barrow has taken a major backward step by reducing the maternal leave policy from six months to three months as contained in the Revised General Orders Code of Conduct and Public Service Rules and Regulations, clause 04110.
By becoming a leader and empowering women involves much more than being put in a leadership role and adapting not to the requirement of that position. The appointment of two female Vice Presidents to serve the government of President Adama Barrow did not have an adverse impact on the labour rights of Gambian women.
According to the General Order 04111 (amended) “Any confirmed female employee of the Civil Service who is pregnant shall consult a Medical Officer for a report on her expected date of confinement and on production of a satisfactory medical certificate, shall be entitled to a maternity leave with full salary for a period of three months calculated to cover six weeks before and six weeks after confinement.”
Increasing the maternity leave from twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) weeks in 2010 under the previous government of Yahya Jammeh was a major, progressive and bold move that was acclaimed globally as a major step in protecting, respecting and maintaining child and women’s rights particularly the reproductive health and employment rights of women. This move also put the Gambia in the same league as the countries that provide the most paid maternity leave by law according to the ILO.
In the same vein, according to the Health Policy of 2011-2015 “the ante-natal, delivery and post-partum care are included in the minimum health care package in the head of the Village Health Committee VHC.”
Regarding health financing, it is stated in this document that the Gambia government budgetary allocation to the health sector is still below the 15% target of the Abuja Declaration.
“Nothing is provided in the Labour Code identified in any statutory provision regarding the healthcare for women during pregnancy, childbirth and the post-natal period. According to the International Labour Organization” (Gambia: Maternity Protection 2011).
Meanwhile, the USA and Papua New Guinea are the only countries that do NOT guarantee paid leave for new mothers. Activists argues that the time has come for the U.S. to recognize the economic, physical, and psychological costs of this approach for working mothers and their babies, and to secure its own economic future by providing paid leave to all working parents.
By Alagi Yorro Jallow

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