A breadwinner of a family in Old Yundum is pleading for urgent assistance after fire consumed their house early Wednesday.

The cause of the fire is yet to be established. But there is a suspicion of electric spark, as it happened after the Greater Banjul and some parts of the country were showered with major rainfalls for this year’s rainy season. 

In an audio sent to Gambiana, Pap Saho who is in dire condition said they are currently left with neither food nor clothing.

“The entire house is burned down. My family and I lost everything in the fire incident. As I am speaking to you right now, we don’t even have food left to eat. 

“We lost valuable materials like bag of rice and our clothing and some cash. I am pleading to everyone to please help me and my family. We are left with nothing,” he said.

Reporting by Adama Makasuba 

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