The Gambia Government has today permanently revoked all timber export permits with new regulations.
“With the endorsement of Cabinet chaired by His Excellency President Adama Barrow on Thursday and in line with Section 113 of the Forest Act, 2018, the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources (MECNARR) wishes to inform the public of these new regulations effective immediately,” Gambia Government spokesman Ebrima G Sankareh said.
“All existing permits issued for the export/re-export of timber are permanently revoked. The export/re-export of timber is banned. The felling and/or import of Pterocarpuserinaceus locally known as KENO is banned. The felling of Cordyla Africana, locally known as Wulakonoduto, Dimba or wild mango is banned.
“All timber cleared for import by the Department of Forestry, must have complete and duly certified import documentation including bills of laden showing proof of transport, as well as customs entries for every border it crossed before entering The Gambia, to avoid its forfeiture to the State upon arrival.
“Timber for domestic use could be transported within The Gambia provided the carriers have authentic permits for household use duly issued by the Department of Forestry.
“With these new rules, The Gambia Ports Authority (GPA) is hereby instructed to refuse loading for timber logs unto any vessel for export/re-export,” he added.
According to him, both the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) and GPA “shall commence the scanning of containers for export and the owners of any containers found with timber logs shall face the fullest penalties according to law.”
Reporting by Adama Makasuba
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