Gambians from all walks of life have accused their National Assembly members of being “greedy” and “self-serving” after they voted for a multi-million dalasis loan scheme to help them build their houses.
The proposal, which was submitted by nominated MP Yakumba Jaiteh on Thursday, was included in the 2021 budget that could run up to 54 million dalasis.
“Hon speaker, it is in the constitution that as National Assembly Members, we decide our salaries and benefits and allowances. This is a benefit that we’re trying to get here. This is law, we are making law here, we can make it now and it becomes law,” Ms Jaiteh said.
Gambians took to social media to express their disgust after the lawmakers unanimously voted in favour of the proposal. Of the 58 lawmakers only 16 National Assembly members voted against it.
“This is really shameful. How can they justify it. Some Gambians work for 40 yrs and yet receive only D500 for their monthly payment,” Dembo Yarbo said.
Muhammad Jawo added: “All I can say about them is that they don’t see Gambia instead they only see their pockets. History will not be kind to them for failing the poor voters.”
Alphasainey Jawneh said “They have no sympathy for vast majority of the populace who are in abject poverty and are struggling for livelihood.
“All they are after is their well-being and neglected the interest of the people who they represent. Power belong to the pepple,come 2021 we say big No to them when the seek for another mandate.”
Ebrima Jawo said “The last 3 years have shown us enough to know who you are and type of leadership you provide.
“Voted by poor Gambians many of who cannot even put food on the table not to talk of the high cost of living, yet you the “majority ” approved building loans to live large on the expense of the rest.
“No one among you have moral authority to question president Barrow. Well done PDOIS. Where is your shame?”
Ebou Badjie said: “We are doomed, people who are to protect us and our resources are now robbing us broad daylight.
“A million Dalasi loan is no small amount of money, what are the guarantees for the repayment?”
Kemo Sidibe Johnson said: “No loyalty to the Gambians bitter truth. It’s a shame. [This is] really not the change Gambians vote for.”
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