Reports reaching Gambiana suggest that the Army has put on administrative leave Brigadier General Alhagie Martin, Inspector General of the Gambia Armed Forces, after a damning testimony by Sana Sabally to the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC).
Sabally, a former soldier and vice chairman of the AFPRC Junta had accused General Martin, then Warrant Officer Class 2, of leading a torture team that inflicted the worst forms of depraved and inhumane treatment on him during his incarceration at Mile Two Prison for an alleged assassination attempt on the former head of state, Captain Yahya Jammeh.
He catalogued the forms of abuse and torture he received at the hands of Alhajie Martin including waterboarding, sexual violence, castration, mock execution, forced to eat faeces among many other depraved and inhumane acts.
Sabally also accused Martin of directly responsible for the death of Lt Sadibou Hydara, the Junta’s former Interior Minister, who was detained with Sabally after they fell out with their colleagues in the ruling AFPRC government.
He said Sadibou died after been beaten with a hammer and rod on his penis and other parts of his body.
Sabally said Alhagie Martin’s torture team included Manlafi Corr, Pa Modou Sarr, Lance Corporal Lamin Senghore, Private Baboucarr Bobb and one Ndure from the Police Tactical Support Group.

However Brigadier General Alhagie Martin has yet to make a statement with regards to Sana Sabally’s allegations. He is reported to be on leave and could not be reached for comment.
The Army spokesman, Major Lamin K Sanyang, denied reports that Brigadier General Alhagie Martin has been fired from the army. Major Sanyang confirmed that General Martin was on leave.
“I can confirm to you with certainty that Brigadier General Alhagie Martin has not been fired. He is on holidays. He is on his annual leave,” he said.
Major Sanyang could not be drawn into giving a statement on General Martin’s future with the Gambia National Army. He said the army high command was keenly following the proceedings of the TRRC.
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