Gambian Muslims, both young and old, fill the local mosque in Sinchu and every available space outside for the Eid prayer.

Fellow Gambians, the Muslim Ummah and the World, I write  this piece of letter with appreciation, happiness and gratitude to the Almighty Allah for making us witness this year’s Ramadan and yet another Eid-ul-fitr (Fast break) celebration in and beyond the borders of my home land – The Gambia.

As we are few hours to go before paying farewell to this Holy month of Ramadan in the mightiest name of Allah, I must extend my regards to the benefactor with my two hands to accept our fasting and prayers all the time.

It will be ungrateful of me to celebrate the Eid-ul-fitr – locally called Korite or Sunkari Saloo in The Gambia without turning to my maker and praise Him for making us witness and fast this year’s fasting month as many others could not witness it (died) among whom did good than some of us left by God in this world, while some also couldn’t fast during the month due to health issues. 

And as the Muslims across the world are in preparations to celebrate the end of this Holy month of fast (Ramadan), I hereby seek forgiveness on behalf of myself and the entire Muslim Ummah for Allah to forgive us our sins committed knowingly and unknowingly. May He protect us from being adulterated by Satan’s influence and never allow evil to overcome us to detour the right path and good deeds that will qualify us to heaven.

Ramadan is a Holy Month in which Muslims across the world venture into rigorous worshipping of Almighty Allah by abstaining from eating food, drinking water and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk or sunrise to sunset.

And it is a month that many prayers are accepted which one can have to utilize the month and seek Allah’s forgiveness in order to eradicate his or her sins committed either incidentally or accidentally.

With that regard, I pray that Allah grant the departed souls heaven and protect us left in this world for the time being from entering hellfire.

I equally pray to Allah to keep shining Gambiana online newspaper and may it be the best online paper in the whole world. May Allah protect the proprietor of Gambiana and its staff and contributors from being blind by evil during the course of their work and not to put out anything evil for public consumption.   

Ya Allah, I bow and tremble in your mercy to answer to our prayers asked in and after this Holy Month of Ramadan. Soften the hearts and pour love and affection, and harmony among humankind.

May Allah bring back peace and stability to countries and communities engulfed in war and any form of destabilization and protect those that are not in such horrendous situation from being encompassed in such.

By Adama Makasuba

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