Top political figure and leader of Gambia Moral Congress, Mai Ahmed Fatty, has urged Gambians from all walks of life to join in mourning the Gambian victims of the tragic New York fire and give support to their families.

At least 17 people including Gambians are confirmed dead in the tragic fire, leaving many others seriously hospitalised.

“I am saddened to express condolence on the tragic death of a number of Gambians who perished in a Bronx inferno, in New York, USA. I commiserate with the families, relatives and friends of the victims and with the entire Gambian community,” Mai Ahmed Fatty said.

“I pray fervently, that Allah, the Lord of the Universe, Bestows His Mercy upon them all, admit them into Jannatul Firdaws, and console the families left behind,” he added.

“I want to commend the Gambian community in New York for their generous acts of prompt humanitarian intervention. This is a sad moment for our Nation, and for all of us to mourn this huge national loss, and to support the needy families in any way possible. 

“The Gambian community in the USA are very resilient, and May Allah help see us through this great tragedy,” Fatty continued.

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