Musa Yali Batchilly, leader of Gambia Action Party, and another man named Musa Batchilly, have been released after being detained for 24 hours for alleged fraud offences.
According to the police, the two Batchillys are accused of obtaining money by false pretence.
“Musa Batchally, one of the suspects, took $7,600 from the complainant under the false pretence of arranging the complainant’s son’s travel to Nicaragua and then to the USA through the Mexican border.
“However, the suspect failed to facilitate the travel and could not be contacted after receiving the money. Musa Yalli Batchally was arrested on November 2, 2023, and was interrogated and charged with obtaining goods by false pretence and conspiracy to commit a felony,” police said.
“The two suspects were detained but, on November 3, 2023, Musa Yalli Batchally decided to refund the money to the complainant and was escorted to the Eco Bank to do so. The money was returned to the complainant, leading to the release of the two Batchallys,” police added.
Reporting by Adama Makasuba
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