Police patrol team has shot a suspected drug trafficker in his buttocks in Fass Nja Choi close to the Gambia-Senegal border in the early hours of Saturday.

The victim who is named as Momodou Jallow is now receiving treatment for his gunshot wounds at the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital. 

Police said he was shot after refusing to be searched while suspiciously loitering around a Mauritanian shop.

“When officers requested him to submit to a search, he refused and fled, carrying a bag. In the ensuing engagement, he was shot in the buttocks. After surrendering, Jallow was arrested. A search revealed three bundles of suspected cannabis in his possession,”police said.

“He was taken to the Amdalai Police Station for processing and subsequently transported to Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH) in Banjul for medical treatment. He is reported to be in stable condition with a gunshot wound to the buttock,” police added.

Reporting by Adama Makasuba

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