Momodou Sabally has accused President Barrow and his government of “legalising corruption” and called on the country’s opposition to step up efforts in holding them to account. 

“In order to develop the country, we must hold the authourities to account. Because the way this country is going is not good and proper. 

“And the way Barrow and his ministers are governing the country is very bad,” the former secretary general and head of civil service told Gambiana exclusively.

Sabally added: “We in the opposition should strengthen our stance in holding the government to account because we are seeing how our government officials are siphoning our resources to enrich themselves by building mansions.

“So the opposition should push forward in telling truth to the government officials in order to fight corruption because Barrow has legalise corruption in the country.”

Sabally, a senior official of the opposition UDP party, said there are many reports of corrupt practices by government officials including ministers. 

He cited the recent case of Bakary Badjie, the minister of youths and sports, who paid per diem to his wife, who is not a government official, to attend a sporting events in the UK and Turkey. 

Reporting by Adama Makasuba

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