I really don’t know what Lawyer Darboe is talking about when he talks about UDP supporters not to “attack” the supporters of the other political parties.
Lawyer Darboe has already caused a lot of political damage to the UDP and The Gambia since the removal of Jammeh from power.
The UDP and The Gambia is in the political mess we are in thanks to Darboe’s awful political leadership.
And I don’t think it’s helpful to anyone for Darboe to make such unhelpful political advice to UDP supporters.
Why would UDP supporters want to attack anyone?
I don’t know what Darboe is thinking of but the UDP and The Gambia certainly doesn’t need a political alliance between the UDP and Mama Kande.
The Gambia needs competent men and women to form the next government of the country.
Competent women and men who have the capacity to lead senior positions in government that will lead to national development, jobs creation, the provision of public services and affordable cost of living expenses in the country.

The Gambia has had enough of the bore hole politics and Jake Society business. Politicians who have no understanding of anything about the world politics, finance and the economics of national development.
If out of political expediency, The Gambia ended up again with another government like the Barrow government- a government of convenience that has no competence and vision, it’s The Gambia and the Gambian people who are made to continue living in abject poverty, economic deprivation and national economic underdevelopment.
There are some politicians in The Gambia who should either abandon their political parties or they should never be allowed any where near a cabinet ministry.
We are just wasting our time by entertaining some politicians in Gambian politics.
Politics is a serious business.
Our national development and political stability is dependent on the quality of political leaderships we have in the country and in our political parties.
We cannot afford to have middle of road idiots tempting us to make them the political leaders of the country.
That’s not going to benefit anyone.
If Darboe has anything worthwhile to say to the UDP supporters and on Gambian politics, he should be talking about the introduction of term limits to the presidency and the introduction of a parliamentary democracy in The Gambia.
These two most important political reforms are crucial to the political stability, the accountability and transparency of the Gambian democracy.
The Gambia should not be putting up with the president hand picking unelected and incompetent wild eyed idiots like most the ministers of the Barrow government and called that the government.
The number one problem today in Gambian politics is that the government doesn’t represent anyone and it’s not accountable to anyone.
The gulf between the Barrow government and the majority of Gambians cannot be any wider.
The Barrow government is just wasting public money on nefarious and less important expenses.
There are no reforms to the security services.
And the unelected officials of the Barrow government cannot careless about the political and economic concerns of the Gambian people.
Those are the issues that Darboe should be talking about instead of telling UDP supporters not to attack supporters of the other political parties.
All I’m trying to say is that The Gambia needs capable and incompetent people in government to stem the flow of our country from degenerating into more political and economic rot.
We don’t want bore hole politicians and unelected feckless Mickey Mouse university degree holders holding back the national development and political stability of The Gambia.
If Darboe is daunted, the UDP and The Gambia is not. Please forget about Mama Kande and court more formidable politicians who will make a difference to the political leadership of The Gambia.
By Yusupha Bojang
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