Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajihun 

Immortals never die. As Rabindranath

Tagore once wrote, “Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.” 

Doyen retired broadcaster Alhaji Assan Njie’s work shines on as a national broadcaster and a letter writer for nearly two decades. Alhaji Assan Njie has been an integral part of our Gambian broadcasting landscape. 

I wish to express my deepest heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the bereaved family of Alhaji Assan Njie, the media fraternity, and the Gambia people on the loss of doyen, retired Radio Gambia broadcaster. 

I received the news of his death with excruciating pain and agony. Death is a mocker and leaves us devastated in our minds and heart. Death is a great equaliser. It takes the mighty and the lowly. 

A good man with an excellent spirit, a courageous heart and a deep mind, a man of faith, a champion of equality, dignity, and freedom for all have rested. The world cherished you are here. 

Doyen Alhaji Assan Njie has lived his life to the full, giving himself selflessly to his family and his friends. That is why he is worthy of celebration in death as in life.

What happens between birth and death is the value of life. Life can be meaningless and a tragedy if you live it for the sole purpose of self-gratification and personal aggrandisement. Life is measured in the lives you affect, not in the awards and Nobel’s you win.

Rivers do not drink their water;

Trees do not eat their own fruits;

Bees do not enjoy their honey;

Cows do not drink their milk;

Alhaji Assan Njie exist in the service of others.

May God comfort the bereaved families during this trying moment.

May Allah grant you the highest Aljannah  Firdausi.

By Alagi Yorro Jallow

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