Five Gambians including three female immigration officers and two civilians have been taken into quarantined by authorities for the second time after their release days ago.

They are being kept at Wencho in Banjul.

The officers complained of not being attended to by any medical officer, but that they were only kept in isolation.

The officers were among a group of Gambian security personnel from the army, police and immigration who recently returned from a training mission in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

The team was kept in quarantine upon arrival in March for 14 days and were released on April 3.

But the three female officers got arrested and quarantined again for the second time on April 11 “without no reason for their isolation”.

A source who preferred anonymity told Gambiana that the officers: “On Saturday April 11, they were arrested by Captain Corr and a team of medical health officials headed by one Mr Bahoum.

“They are not taken to the hospital but presently detained at a facility in Wenchor along the Banjul Highway. None of them  complained of getting any symptoms of Covid 19,” the source added.

When contacted for comment, director of Health Promotion at the Ministry of Health, Modou Njai, said he is not aware of this issue. 

He however promised to find out and get back to the press.

The Immigration spokesman, Mamading S Dibba also told Gambiana that he is not aware of the issue.

Reporting by Adama Makasuba

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