Gambian soldiers have been deployed to the southern border amid fresh gun battles between Senegalese soldiers and rebels in the Casamance forest.

Hundreds of families from Casamance and some Gambian villages on the border have fled to other villages in Foni.

A source who we are not naming told Gambiana the exchange of gunfire between Senegalese soldiers and MFDC forces is not far from the border.

“We are currently at Kampant to address the humanitarian situation as hundreds of Gambians vacate their homes for safer harbour along the trans Gambia highway settlements of Kampant and Bajagarr,” the source said.

“Heavily armed border patrol team of the Gambia Armed Forces led by Lt Col Omar Bojang have just arrived and are moving towards Kappa and Ballen to control the situation,” the source added.

Reporting by Adama Makasuba

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