Hundreds of shoppers have streamed into Serrekunda market as restriction measures loosened. 

The Gambia has been in lockdown since coronavirus emerged in March.

At least 23 infections of the virus have been recorded. But 9 have recovered and 1 died.

Despite the rise in coronavirus cases, the National Assembly last week rejected a government motion seeking to extend the lockdown by 45 days.

After two days of deliberation, lawmakers unanimously rejected the government’s lockdown extension request citing the hardships and pain it was causing people.

Thousands of Gambians live below the poverty line as many earn their livelihoods from hand-to-mouth.

But experts have projected that the country could be hit by hundreds of cases if social distancing is ignored.

Many lawmakers have called on Barrow administration to put tough control on borders.

A National Assembly’s special committee on Covid-19 tabled a report seeking 21 days extension. 

Reporting by Adama Makasuba

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