The Inter- Party Committee will launch a countrywide advocacy campaign for the inclusion of more women and youths in the parliamentary election due in 2022.

Speaking at a news conference, Musa Amul Nyassi, IPC’s co-chairperson said the advocacy aims at achieving a 30% quota for women and youth representation.

“We will work closely with CSOs and media to promote peace in 53 constituencies and we will review, translate our MOU and Code of Conduct into national languages for wider understanding by all Gambians of IPC’s role in promoting gender, peace, and democracy,” he said.

“As the April 2022 election approaches, IPC will establish a situation room to monitor the implementation of its MOU and Code of Conduct and document complaints from members of the public against the conduct of IPC members.

“The IPC mediation committee, comprising representatives of all 18 political parties in The Gambia, will be responsible for the response strategy of all complaint cases received by the situation room,” Nyassi added.

According to him, they will facilitate political debates among the national assembly candidates to improve voters’ awareness of candidates, their policies, and general political knowledge.

Reporting by Adama Makasuba 

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