The National Assembly member for Janjangbureh on Friday asked the Ministry of Health to explain how it would be spending the eye-watering 500 million dalasi fund allocated to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the country.

President Barrow last month announced that the Health ministry will be overseeing the 500 million dalasi fund. 

Speaking during a debate at the National Assembly over the government’s motion seeking an extension of the public health emergency to 90 days, Momodou Ceesay, said: “If 500 million is given to the Ministry of Health, how is that money going to be spent? I think we need to know that. Is the 500 million plus the 10 million from WHO the same? Or they are not the same?

“A lot of misinformation that needs clarification because if you don’t inform people you leave them to speculate and there is lot of speculations going on.

“Are this the same amount [because] we are talking of millions of dalasi,” Mr Ceesay said.

Questions have been raise as to what the money will be spent on as many Gambians particularly the vulnerable and poor wait to see what support the government will be providing them during the lockdown.

The Health minister is expected to provide answers to the lawmakers queries on the coronavirus fund.

Reporting by Adama Makasuba

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