Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun.
According to English scholar, preacher, and author Thomas Fuller, “death keeps no calendar!”.
Indeed, such is the awful reality of death, which steps with a square foot at kings’ castles and poor men’s huts. Death does not distinguish between good men and evil men.
Furthermore, we are devastated by its terrifying force and ability to strike without discrimination. It snatches away those we love and leaves us grieving and praying for the souls of those we love not to lose. It is no respecter of persons; neither social nor economic status can stop its advance when it decides to strike.
Even if they are dead, men and women of virtue imbued with the love of humanity will always remain alive in the memory of those whose lives they had touched.
Indeed, as the saying goes, the essence of life is not its duration but its contribution.
According to actor and writer Peter Marshall, when you live for humanity and demonstrate incredible humility, it is always impossible to obliterate your memory. On the contrary, the death of good men diminishes humanity.
The world has lost a brilliant light with the passing of Kejau Touray. He was more than a friend; he was a staunch ally in the pro-democracy struggle, where our paths intertwined and our disagreements only served to fortify our mutual respect.
As a former teacher, soldier, technology expert, activist, politician, and consummate businessman, Kejau’s multifaceted contributions have left an indelible mark on countless lives.
Kejau’s unwavering dedication to his principles and relentless defense of his views made him a formidable figure. His commitment to justice and democracy was unparalleled, and he was a cherished member of the United Democratic Party (UDP).
His loss is not only a profound sorrow for The Gambia and the UDP Diaspora, but it is a grave loss for humanity as a whole.
Kejau was a beacon of integrity and resilience. His work has inspired many, and his legacy will continue to guide us in our ongoing struggle for democracy and justice.
Though he is no longer with us, his spirit lives on in the hearts and minds of those who knew him.
May his memory be a source of strength and inspiration to us all.
May Allah grant him Alijannah Firdausi. Ameen.
By Alagi Yorro Jallow
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