A group of Gambian World War ll veterans and their families have lashed out at the leadership of Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League (The Gambia Legion) for ‘woefully failing’ them.
The group’s complaint comes a day after the war veterans marked V-J Day on August 15.
The families of the veterans who served the British Crown during the Burma campaign claimed they had not benefited from financial support package earmarked for them.
The group said the British government and its citizens had provided 1.8 million pounds to support WW2 veterans and their families (especially widows) in 48 countries across the world including the Gambia.
“The fund we understand is being managed by the Royal Commonwealth Ex-services League (RCEL) in partnership with the Gambia Legion. However, in the case of the Gambia, there is very little transparency in the allocations and distribution of this fund,” the World War II Veterans’ Family Association said in a statement.
“The WW2 Veterans family Association comprising of widows, daughters, sons and grandchildren do understand and sincerely appreciate who and what the grant is meant for.
“However, as siblings who lived and or still continue to live with and support the remaining veterans and their widows, we are calling on the RCEL and Gambia legion to reach out and work closely with the association so that the funds can reach the eligible veterans and their widows.
“As we celebrate V-J Day it is important to highlight that the majority of veterans and widows in The Gambia, until their death never knew that any such grant exists and had never benefited from it.”
The statement added: “The remaining few who are still alive are languishing in poverty and misery. This is a reality and the WW2 veterans’ family association have adequate proofs to back these assertions.
“In light of the above, we are calling on both the UK government ( through the British Embassy) and the Government of the Gambia (through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to take urgent action to address this undesirable situation and regularise a “decades long anomaly” so that our gallant soldiers and legends can be given the recognition and dignity they deserve.
“The WW2 Veterans’ family association will continue to research and document all relevant information pertaining to the WW II and the legacy and plight of WW II veterans of the Gambia.
“We request from henceforth to be involved in the coordination of the celebrations and commemorations of WW2 events in the Gambia as well as any benefits and support provided towards the welfare of World War II veterans, their widows and families by extension.”
Reporting by Adama Makasuba
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